- Research, Development and Manufacturing are Made in Sweden
Zero Signal Loss -
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Precision characteristic impedance matched digital audio cables for minimal jitter. Double shielding. For USB, SPDIF and AES/EBU interfaces.

The Power Distributor improves the audio performance by reducing high-frequency noise, while maintaining current flow for amplifiers to manage music dynamics. A dedicated filter separates noise between analog and digital domains.

Coming 2025
– A reviewer of Zero technology cables
It all started with music
My roots are in live music as I grew up in a family where live music played home at the weekends was the most natural thing. Playing, listening and enjoying music over generations from early childhood. Many years have passed and my kids are growing up. There is nothing like enjoying music when my daughter come home and take a seat at the piano playing and singing of pure joy.
It is these kind of moments in life that drives me to develop the innovations needed to take technologies a step further in reproduction of recorded music. Towards the true feeling of live music from home audio systems.
– Anders Hansson, Founder of Regal
Stay up to date

We are so happy to announce that our dear friend Ze’ev at Pure Audio Project…

På Söndagen den 13 Oktober så kommer vi att spela med vår Regal DAC101 under…

För första gången deltar Regal på Oslo HiFi show. Vi kommer vi spela med DAC101…

I årets upplaga av High End-mässan i Stockholm den 17-18/2 kommer vi premiärvisa den första…

Håvard på Stereo+ recenserar normalt inte kablar, men med Zero XLR Reference hände något… Du…

För första gången kommer vi inte bara delta på HiFi-mässa utan även ha ett eget…
Want to know more about our products?
Or do you want to try a cable for a week or two? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help!